More than 13000 EPLAN ETI EDS products

Eplan is an advanced software for designing electrical schematics.

ETI has created an EPLAN product library in EDS (Eplan Data Standard) format, with more than 13.000 ETI products, which enables the use of all the advantages of the EPLAN software tool.
User can create electrical schemes, auto-wiring and 3D interior cabinet for electrical protection of residential, commercial and industrial installations.
Product information is available in 11 languages: English, German, Polish, Slovak, Croatian, Slovenian, Czech, Romanian, Hungarian, Russian and Ukrainian.
Products are also created in manufacturer tree structure, similar to ETI catalog. Main parts, are made with suitable accessories.


For individual EPLAN edz files, you can download it from the product ETI site... Example below.

For EPLAN designers more than 13000 ETI products are available at the moment, for users in residential, commercial, industrial installations:
ASTI program
MCBs: ETIMATs (from 0,5A to 125A, AC/DC), RCCBs: EFI-2, EFI-4, RCBOs: KZS-1M, KZS-2M, KZS-4M.
C program
Cylindrical fuse links
CP program
Reactive power compensation components.
D program
Diazed low voltage fuse links and fuse bases.
D0 program
Neozed low voltage fuse links, fuse bases and fuse–disconnection units.
ETIBOX program
Plastic and metal enclosures and equipment.
ETIBREAK program
Plastic and metal enclosures and equipment.
ETICON program
Miniature, motor and auxiliary contactors, overload relays and accessories.
Modular switch disconnectors, load break switches, rotary cam switches.
ETITEC program
Surge arresters.
EVE & ETIREL program
Build-in switches and devices, control equipment in low-power circuits, combined with buttons, switches, for automation systems, industrial plugin electromagnetic relays.
NH program
NH fuse links: gG/aM/gF/gTr characteristics, new ETI ceramic and plastic fuse bases, neutral terminal bases, LV NV fuse-rail tables, strip type fuse-switch-disconnectors and accessories.
VV program
Medium voltage fuse links and fuse bases.
Green protect DC program
Fuse links CH in NV/NH DC, gPV/gR characteristics, DC fuse bases and disconnectors (coming in the next update).





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